Report: Beginning of the Academic Year Recollection 27th June 2016 Fr. Bento D’Souza SDB
Yesterday a group of 55 religious, four men and 51 women, from all the fringes of Marathwada met together in the Sangam Auditorium, Chavni, Little flower school Aurangabad to begin their recollection on the occasion of the beginning of the new Academic year. Sr Fatima Rodrigues, Sr. Rita Rodrigues and Sr. Rajnee led the prayer service invoking the blessing of God in a prayer service themed on “Be flavour in life.” Fr Bento then sang Laura Story’s inspiring song, “Blessing” and the others joined him.
The first session began with an input on “How Pope Francis looks at Religious life,” which was appreciated by all was presented by the main animator of the CRI, Fr Bento.
At 11.00 am. Sr Seline Thachil conducted the business session and got consensus from the group on the economic standing of the organisation from her point of view as Treasurer of CRI, Aurangabad.
At 12.00 noon, adoration was conducted & confessions were heard in the meantime.
At 1.00 lunch was served. After that all waited for the arrival of the Bishop who was welcomed and felicitated by the gathering.
A simple yet affectionate welcome speech was rendered by Sr. Seline Thachil, on behalf of the group expressing our feelings of belongingness to the Diocese. She thanked the Bishop’s for patronage of all our pastoral task by his presence & blessing. A simple satkar was done with shawl by the President. Flowery bouquets were presented by Sr. Jacinta and Sr. Justine Lobo, Geovrai. “Blessing “and “Let there be Showers of blessing” were sung. The bishop encouraged all those present to begin the new academic year afresh with enthusiasm and zestful energy. The Bishop then greeted the new arrivals and welcomed the new comers into his Diocese who were present in the gathering
Fr. Sanjay Parkhe at the Eucharist preached a beautiful and relevant homily touching on the theme of being disciples & connected it with issues that religious face in their pastoral outreach and told us to learn to care of our hearts.
Sr. Janet, St Anne’s Dhorkin, concluded the day with a Vote of thanks thanking all those who worked together as a team to make this beautiful experience of Life today possible. All in all it was a inspiring day seeing Religious reflecting on the gift of life and making of our life something beautiful for God and others.